Well Done to Sean Thorne @ the Student Radio Awards 2011!

Congratulations to Sean Thorne and team from Cardiff Univerisity.  Sean won best Male Presenter in the Student Radio Awards 2011.  We link up with Sean and his student radio station Xpress Radio from Cardiff, every Friday night from 6pm.  He’s live & interactive, join him, Martyn and his production team, for a unique mix of comedy, chat, music and laughter – the perfect way to kick off your weekend!

Sean Thorne & Crew LIVE Fridays  6pm UK TIME:    www.netradiouk.com/player3.htm

Nice one Sean!

Lee Vincent Live online on Net Radio Uk!

Net Radio UK is pleased to welcome Lee Vincent to our line up.  Lee is a professional presenter, also on other various FM and online radio stations.  He is here live on Net Radio UK  each Thursday evening 8-10pm (UK time).

Tune in for his fine mix of music from all decades, mentions and requests..spread the word!

To Listen Click Here 

New Website coming soon

Our new website will be live and online soon, with more features, chatroom and a fresh new look.

We hope the guys will have ready for us in a couple of weeks..

Net Radio UK Welcomes… Marty Dee Donovan. Listen online Tuesdays 8-10pm

Marty Dee Donovan

Net Radio UK is pleased to welcome Marty Dee Donovan to the station, Tuesday evenings Live 8-10pm.

Marty was a DJ in the 80’s playing a couple of the Pirate radio stations, and DJing live in pubs and clubs. He then progressed from pirate radio to hospital radio and then took on some voluntary work at Capital in London, in the 90’s  played  in clubs as a DJ and comedian as well as a doorman. At the age of 44, hes back,  happy to be back on radio online, each Tuesday evening live 8-10pm!

Marty Dee Donovan,  Tuesdays 8-10pm 

Tune in Click Here >>>>>     http://www.netradiouk.com/player3.htm

Stream Changes @ Net Radio UK – Now Streaming as ICECast

Here at Net Radio UK we have stepped up the quality of our stream, and our listen live links have changed. Please update/refresh any bookmarks or our desktop player.

The new direct listen link is http://www.netradiouk.com/player3.htm

The listen links on the website are updated, along with iTunes and Windows Media.

Ryan Harris is back LIVE Friday nights on NetRadioUK and 106.8 Ace FM

Ryan Harris is back LIVE Friday nights on NetRadioUK and 106.8 Ace FM!

Tune in and enjoy great music, phone calls and a laugh each Friday night, live 8-10pm UK TIME.

The show also now broadcasts live on 106.8fm – ‘Ace FM’ – Inland Radio For Andalucia in Spain! (9pm-11pm)

Find out more at the wesbite www.acefm.info

After successful test broadcasts on both Net Radio UK and 106.8 Ace FM,  Ryan is making preparations to return from Friday 15th April…..LIVE 8-10pm UK TIME!

Stephanie Page Live – coming soon to your radio!

Here at Net Radio UK  we are looking forward to Stephanie Page’s new live radio show, on air from Wednesday 14th January 2011… Get ready for great music, chat and features from Stephanie, Live each Wednesday night from 8pm! Tune in via the website, ITunes, mobile networks or WiFi enabled radio …visit  www.netradiouk.com and click a listen live option.

Net Radio UK OFF AIR..well for a bit anyway.

We’re  relocating our studio set up and need to pack up our things, we will be off air from Friday 10th Sept 9pm GMT until week beginning 21st Sept. …all you will hear is us messing about with the stream and playing about with loads of settings..

We will back with more great music and a few new presenters who are joining us very soon.  Don’t worry, be back with us from 27th Sept!

OFF AIR 10th – 27th Sept

Thanks to You & Net Radio UK now Streaming @ 128k

Since Net Radio UK launched streaming online back in January 2010, we have had a really positive start, receiving some positive comments and emails from you, the listeners who love what we play…which is everything!

More and more listeners are  tuning in daily, online, WiFi and using mobile phones from all over the world including France, Spain, Italy, America and of course here in the United Kingdom and across Ireland.  Keep coming back and feel free to get involved with any show or presenter…

Over the coming months loads happening!   including, adding more ways to interact  with us including Skype, MSN and Live Chat. Our new Talk Stream ‘Net Talk UK’ will also repeat our talk shows/podcasts and Ryan will return with live show Wednesdays in the Autumn.

We are pleased to announce we have funding to step up our stream to 128Kbps…enjoy!

and….thanks for your continued support, keep tuning in!

Radio Schedule changes soon on your Internet Radio Station Net Radio UK….

Here at Net Radio UK we have enjoyed some great feedback from you,  the listener over the last 3 months we have been on air..keep the emails coming…

We have sat back and thought of some changes to our show times effective from Monday 3rd May…..

‘Morning 90s’ – you love it, now extended, starting from 9am and all day on a Friday!

‘Lets Play Eighties’ – we have moved to 5-7pm

‘NightRock’-  you would like to hear more rock and indie music on your internet radio station, here you go,  Monday -Thursday 10pm – Midnight.

email us anytime, always great to hear from our listeners around the world!   studio@netradiouk.com